Key Benefits
- Prices start from £17 per month
- Coverage options to suit your specific dental needs
- Set monthly payments
- Regular check ups
How to join Denplan Joining Denplan at Broomhill Dental is easy. Simply book a consultation and mention you’d like to join Denplan. At this first visit, our dentist will examine your teeth to make sure you’re dentally fit. Our dentist will let you know what ongoing treatment you need, and what the monthly cost will be. You’ll receive a welcome pack from Denplan and be able to start treatment. What’s included in your Denplan check-up? Our dentist will check the following:
- Assesses you for infections, including your tongue and gums
- Checks your jaw joints
- Looks at your occlusion (bite)
- Checks you for oral cancer by feeling for lumps in the jaw, neck and throat
- Records measurements of your gums to assess for gum disease
- Examines your teeth for caries (tooth decay)
- Offers oral health advice, tailored to you